Die diesjährigen „Verpackungstage“ fanden am 19. Und 20. September 2012 in Freilassing statt. Es konnten über 180 interessierte Besucher begrüßt werden, die sich einen Überblick über die technischen Neuheiten, die KIEFEL für den Verpackungsbereich bietet, verschafften.
Schwerpunkt der Hausmesse war das Thema Automation, insbesondere die Stapelung und die Weitergabe der fertigen Formteile. Der Druckluftformautomat KMD 78 B SPEEDFORMER beeindruckte dabei mit der KILDE Roboterstapelung und die größere Bauform, KMD 85 B wurde mit Pick & Place Automatisierung vorgeführt. Auf der KTR 5 SPEED mit BEST Stapelung, sowie auf der KTR 6L SPEED mit der Stapeleinheit KIST konnte die Becherformung die Besucher beeindrucken. Als besonderes Highlight, stand jedoch die neue KMD Basic bereit.
Passende Fachvorträge, von KIEFEL, KILDE und Billerud rundeten die Veranstaltung erfolgreich ab.
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News & information from Kiefel
07 feb 2025
Join us at the Kiefel Packaging Dialogue Day APAC 2025!
We’re thrilled to invite you to the Packaging Dialogue Day APAC 2025—our second event of its kind—on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at the Brueckner Group Asia-Pacific in Rayong, Thailand.
Kiefel strengthens its global market focus with its strategy for the future
Kiefel GmbH, a market leading company for thermoforming and joining technology and member of the Brückner Group, is consistently pursuing its structural reorientation for the long-term strengthening of its global competitiveness.
New SPEEDFORMER KTR 6.2 - up to 50 % higher output with the same footprint & quality
The new tilting machine SPEEDFORMER KTR 6.2 SPEED for the mass production of polymer cups and coffee capsules - this technology solution provides higher productivity and production versatility while offering 10% energy savings due to optimized...
Kiefel is optimizing its product portfolio and expanding its efficient system business
Kiefel GmbH, a market leading company for thermoforming and joining technology and member of the Brückner Group, is announcing a structural reorientation and therefore an accompanying consolidation of its sites.
Sustainability report paves the way for a successful future
The Brückner Group has published its latest sustainability report. The voluntary report provides a comprehensive overview of environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities in the 2023 fiscal year.
Kiefel the innovation leader under new management: Matt Sieverding becomes CEO
Kiefel GmbH, a market-leading company for thermoforming and joining technology and a member of the Brückner Group, is undergoing a change in management: Matthias Sieverding, previously CEO/President of the Brückner Group’s USA platform company,...
Thousands of visitors, a successful presentation of our new automation solution and signing ceremonies marked our presence at Chinaplas 2024, Asia's largest plastics and rubber trade fair.
First Packaging Dialogue Day Asia-Pacific: successful event with Kiefel's turnkey solutions
In a groundbreaking event, Kiefel, turnkey solution provider in the Asia-Pacific region, recently hosted the first-ever Packaging Dialogue Day at the new Brueckner Group Asia-Pacific facility in Rayong, Thailand.
Our commitment to high-quality suppliers: the key to success
Customers are demanding increasingly flexible solutions for the production of polymer and fiber products. At Kiefel, we understand the importance of innovation in automation and digitalization to meet these needs and therefore, besides offering our...